:: And Then My Soul Saw You ::

I wrote your name in the sky,

but the wind blew it away..

I wrote your name in the sand,

but the waves washed it away...

I wrote your name in my heart,

and forever it will stay..

4 February 2010, sentiasa akan diingati. ouch! hai encik pelangi :)))

hopefully... he's the one who calls me beautiful instead of hot, who calls me back when the line cut off, who will lie under the stars and listen to my heartbeat, who will stay awake when i'm sick, who kisses my forehead instead of my lips, who wants to show me off to the world even when i'm sweat, who holds my hand in front of his friends, who thinks i'm just as pretty without makeup on, one who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have me, who really love me as i am, who sweap my tears away, who give me spirit when i'm down, who bring me to his family and pour me with his family members without cares of who am i, and the one who turns to his friends and says

entah sejak bile la aku suke berpuisi2 jiwang bagai ni. skali ni jek berjiwang untuk 5 minit saja oke. lepas ni layan One Republic balik.

i love yu mr. maker


note : ...and i miss him. kalo die bace die terharu tak? poyo


  1. jom je join contest..
    leh dapat hadiah..

  2. atee 4 february..
    udeng 3 november.. haha! nak jugak OK :)

    incik pelangi kamu sgt hemsem~ wiu ;)

  3. hahaha. jgn puji. nanti mengembang..
    bile mau tunjuk incik pelangi anda pule cik gagap~ wiu <3

  4. Hahaa, superb la mummy...i like..!!

  5. eh... dah salu tunjuk ape.. atee tanampak ke? :P

  6. nak tengok yang full house house...kat sebelah udeng... :P

  7. picture cANTIK...memang romantik..

    dijemput sertai contest di blog saya...ada hadiah wang tunai...hik3...

  8. touyakaruma : gamba betul la. tak guna adobe sket pun


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